Room rates
The Witham has two chargeable rates for room hire. The commercial rate applies to large businesses, voluntary organisations, charities, local government and public sector agencies. The public rate applies to individuals, small initiatives and community groups.
For frequent or regular bookers, we seek to find a mutually acceptable arrangement, and this is why we don’t publish our rate card on our website. We’d like to have a conversation with you. Email: [email protected] for more information and to start to explore the possibilities.
Detailed specifications on each of the rooms can be found by clicking on the images below.
The Witham gallery provides a public space overlooking Barnard Castle high street in which to run exhibitions and workshops. The...
County Room
The County Room has an overall area of 39 square meters. The room can be used in a variety of...
Witham Room
The Witham room offers a beautifully light space overlooking Barnard Castle high street in which to enjoy a range of...
Cafe/Bar area
The Witham Café Bar is at the heart of the award-winning modern atrium that bridges two older buildings. It’s an...
Music Hall
The Music Hall is the venue’s largest room with an overall area of 249 square meters. With a stage and...