Explore Mycology: UK Fungus Day
Ticket price
Join the North East Fungus Study Group for UK Fungus Day. All activities are free!
Forays – Leaving from The Witham at 10am and 1pm
Join us for a foray into local woodlands to find some fantastic fungi.
Flirt with Fermentation! – Taster workshops at 11am and 1pm
Learn how to make yoghurt, kefir, kombucha and kimchi from an expert at Brewferm.
Booking essential. Book Your Place
Threads in the Ground – Workshops at 1pm and 2.30pm
Make unique sculptures from mushroom mycelium and take them home to watch them grow!
Booking essential. Book Your Place.
Fetch a Fungi! – 10am to 4pm
Check out our specimen tables and look down a microscope. Bring in your own fungi from home and our experts will help with identification.
Clay Fun for Kids & Fungi Crafts – 10am to 12noon
We have ‘Wood Stocked’ coming along with their brilliant wooden mushroom ornaments and free clay craft activities for kids in the morning.