The Witham is delighted to announce the launch of our new Friends Scheme, enabling you to support the Barnard Castle’s community arts centre as we continue to deliver a range of exciting events and activities.
The scheme is only £25 per year to join or £40 for two people living at the same address and will give Friends access to certain rewards including:
• Advanced booking for selected events
• Access to at least one exclusive pre- or post-show gathering with the opportunity to meet performers or see behind-the-scenes
• Seasonal updates on The Witham’s successes and challenges
• Automatic enrolment in The Witham Film Club
• Special exclusive Friends’ events.
As Ada Burns, Vice Chair of The Witham board of Trustees comments, ‘The support of Friends is going to be fundamental to The Witham’s long-term success. The board, staff and volunteers are working hard to ensure that there is something for everyone in The Witham programme. We ask our local community to continue to support Barnard Castle’s community arts centre by joining our Friends Scheme, enabling The Witham to be increasingly sustainable in the coming years.’
As the first Friends of our new scheme, Lusia McAnna comments, ‘The Witham is in my opinion the cultural heart of our marvelous town. It is run for the community and to a great degree by the community, it builds bonds of friendship and support across all ages and persuasions and creates a real spirit of community in the town.
Very few small rural towns like ours have access to such a fantastic resource and we must do what we can to ensure its survival in these difficult financial times. Barney would be a much sadder place to live without it, as it brings entertainment, education, music, drama, comedy, and dance to so many of us.’
To join The Witham Friends scheme, please click here and follow the onscreen instructions.
You can also join by calling us on 01833 6331107, or pick up an application form in the Box Office.