Creative Age Exhibition
6 Mar 2020 - 28 Mar 2020
Participants of The Creative Age project with Trevor Dixon showcase their work from the last six months of workshops held at UTASS and commissioned by The Witham, thanks to funding support from the County Durham Community Foundation. Adults aged 55+ have enjoyed a craft-based project led by local artist and former farmer, Trevor Dixon.
Trevor produces beautifully detailed, miniature models of farmhouses, outbuildings and drystone walls using natural materials. These models reflect the landscape he has worked since adolescence. The project has bought together people who share a common background, i.e. working in rural Teesdale. While learning a new skill, or developing an existing one, the group have also used the session as an opportunity to socialise and share past experiences. The emphasis has been very much on having an enjoyable afternoon in the company of like-minded people. “ |